Friday, January 19, 2018

Introduction of Excel - Microsoft Excel -Part -1

What is Excel

Microsoft Excel is a PC application program composed by Microsoft. It, for the most part, contains tabs, gatherings of commands and worksheet. The worksheet is made of lines and segments that converge each other to frame cells where information is entered. It is equipped for playing out different errands like estimations, information examination and incorporating information.

Microsoft office catch, ribbon and quick access toolbar are the three fundamental highlights of exceeding expectations that you have to concentrate on while learning exceeds expectations.

Office Button in Excel

It is on the top left-corner of excel.

Microsoft Excel office button

At the point when the office button is clicked, you will locate various choices to perform different assignments that are recorded underneath:

New: To create a new file.

Open: To open an existing file on the computer.

Save: To save changes made in the open file.

Save As: To save the file with specific name to a preferred location in the hard drive of the computer.

Print: To print the hard copy of the open document.

Prepare: To prepare the document for distribution.

Send: To send the copy of the document to others.

Publish: To distribute the document to others.

Close: To close the open document.

Microsoft Excel office button options

Ribbon and Tabs in Excel

Ribbon is on the highest point of the worksheet, underneath the title bar or name of the exceed expectations document. It contains seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review and View.

Every tab has its own particular gatherings of related charges. These gatherings have a few extra charges that can be seen by tapping the bolt at the correct base corner of any gathering.

Highlights of the Tabs in Excel

There are many tabs available in Microsoft Excel: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formula, Data, Review and View. Each tab has different features

The highlights of the Home tab are:

Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Cells and Editing
Microsoft Excel Home Tab pic

The highlights of the Insert tab are:

Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Links, Text

Microsoft Excel Insert Tab

The highlight of the Page Layout tab are:

Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options and Arrange

Microsoft Excel Page Layout Tab

The highlight in the Formula tab are:

Function Library, Defined Names, Formula Auditing, Calculation
Microsoft Excel formula tab
The highlight in the Data tab are:

Get External Data, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data Tools and Outline
Microsoft Excel Data tab
The highlight of the Review tab are:

Proofing, Comments and Changes
Microsoft Excel Review Tab
The highlight of the View tab are:

Workbook Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window and Macros

Tag: Microsoft Excel,What is Excel,Ribbon and Tabs in Excel.

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