Thursday, January 18, 2018

HTML - Introduction - Part -1

HTML - Introduction

HTML remains for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the most generally utilized dialect to compose Web Pages. Hypertext alludes to the manner by which Web pages (HTML archives) are connected together. In this way, the connection accessible on a site page is called Hypertext.As its name recommends, HTML is a Markup Language which implies you utilize HTML to just "increase" a content record with abels that advise a Web program how to structure it to show.Initially, HTML was produced with the purpose of characterizing the structure of reports like headings, sections, records, et cetera to encourage the sharing of logical data between analysts. Presently, HTML is in effect generally used to organize website pages with the assistance of various labels accessible in HTML dialect.

To Learn HTML, the easiest way to learn HTML & CSS. Learn HTML provides an interactive tutorial that explains how to build HTML & CSS websites step by step.The basic tutorial will guide you through creating a page using the Bootstrap CSS framework.The advanced tutorials will guide you through all there is to know regarding HTML & CSS.

Getting Started with HTML & CSS

  1. Hello, World!
  2. Basic Elements
  3. Links
  4. Lists
  5. Images
  6. Styles
  7. Classes
  8. Selectors
  9. Pseudo-classes
  10. UI Libraries
  11. Bootstrap
  12. Grid Layout
  13. JavaScript
  14. Colors
  15. Display
  16. Box Model
  17. Icons

Advanced HTML Tutorials

  1. Text Formatting
  2. Tables
  3. Iframes
  4. Forms
  5. Canvas
  6. SVG
  7. Video
  8. Audio
  9. Drag and Drop
  10. Local Storage
  11. App Cache
  12. Web Workers
  13. Server-Sent Events

Advanced CSS Tutorials

  1. Height and Width
  2. Responsive Web Design
  3. Box Sizing
  4. Outline
  5. Fonts
  6. Text Effects
  7. Link Design
  8. Position
  9. Negative Margins
  10. Overflow
  11. Float
  12. Text Alignment
  13. Opacity
  14. Border Images
  15. Backgrounds
  16. Gradients
  17. Shadows
  18. Rounded Corners
  19. Transforms
  20. Transitions
  21. Media Queries
  22. Advanced Selectors
  23. Filters

Expert CSS Tutorials

  1. Animations
  2. Viewport
  3. Flexbox
  4. Columns
  5. CSS Variables
  6. 3D Transforms
  7. Input Pseudo-classes
  8. Pseudo-elements

Tag: HTML - Introduction ,Introduction Of HTML & CSS,HTML,CSS, Web Design

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