Tuesday, January 23, 2018

If Function Excel-Microsoft Excel-11

If Function Excel

The IF function or IF statement in Excel is made out of three sections isolated by commas.

A condition

What to show if the condition is satisfied

What to show if the condition isn't satisfied

Perceive how the "IF work" is made well ordered to locate the protected and perilous voyaging speeds in the accompanying case.

if function

Select the cell in which you need to make the "IF function"

Sort the code in the cell: =if(

Sort the condition with comma: B4>70,

Sort what you need to appear if condition is satisfied. On the off chance that you need to show message at that point compose it inside quotes: "Risky"

Sort a comma: ,

Sort what you need to appear if the condition isn't satisfied inside quotes: "Safe"

At that point close the section and press the Enter key.

The IF work made above will resemble this: =if(B4>70,"Risky","Safe")

So the IF work says if the speed or incentive in the cell B4 is more than 70 at that point show Unsafe and on the off chance that it is under 70 at that point show Safe.

In the wake of squeezing the Enter key you will get the outcome for cell B4. Drag the fill handle descending till cell C9 to get status for different rates of section B.

Tag: If Function Excel,Microsoft Excel

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