Wednesday, January 24, 2018

If Function with Calculations-Microsoft Excell- Part-12

Exceed expectations If Function with Calculations

"if function" can be utilized as a part of complex computations. See the illustration:

On the off chance that a business official offers more than 5 things, the organization will pay motivator 40 tk for everything sold and if the business official offers under 5 things, the organization will pay 20 tk for everything sold.

Perceive how the "IF function" is utilized with the estimation:

Exceed expectations If Function with Calculations

Select the cell in which you need to make the "IF work"

Sort the code in the cell: =if(

Sort the condition with comma: C4>5,

Sort what you need to appear if condition is satisfied: 40*C4

Sort a comma: ,

Sort what you need to appear if the condition isn't satisfied: 20*C4

At that point close the section and press the Enter key.

The IF capacity will resemble this: =if(C4>5,40*C4,20*C4)

So the IF work says if esteem in cell C4 is more noteworthy than 5 then increase it with 40. On the off chance that it is under 5 then increase it with 20.

The IF capacity can be adjusted to perform distinctive computations:

Assume in the above illustration the organization needs to pay rupees 50 alongside impetus to those representatives who have finished probation time of 5 months or their activity term is over 5 months.

For this situation, we can embed one more section in the worksheet for work months and alter the IF work in like manner to get the outcomes.

The altered IF work is: =if(C4>5,50+E4,E4)

It says if the incentive in cell C4 is more prominent than 5 at that point add 50 to E4 which is impetus of Peter. What's more, in the event that it is under 5 at that point keep the motivating force, the estimation of cell E4 same. See the picture demonstrated as follows:

Tag: Exceed expectations If Function with Calculations,Microsoft Excel

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