Friday, January 19, 2018

HTML -Part-2

print hello 

Welcome to Learn HTML, the most effortless approach to learn HTML and CSS on the web, intuitively.

Learning HTML and CSS is basic for any web engineer and does not require to know how to program utilizing JavaScript.

Before you start, I would suggest that you begin by downloading a HTML and CSS IDE. My own inclination is to utilize an IDE by JetBrains. You can download the PyCharm Community Edition for nothing, which has decent HTML, CSS and JavaScript advancement bolster worked in, alongside every one of the treats that a decent IDE gives - source code coordination, code refactoring, programmed space, punctuation featuring, correlation instrument, and so forth.

Here is a list of HTML, CSS and JavaScript editors you can choose from:

what is the distinction between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Above all else, they would all be able to be exemplified inside a HTML page, implying that the program begins by stacking a HTML page, and at exactly that point it comprehends what to stack from that point.

A HTML page is a HTML report that characterizes the substance of the page by utilizing an uncommon markup like XML.

A CSS template characterizes the style of the HTML components in the page. It is either embeeded inside a HTML page or stacked utilizing the tag.

JavaScript is the programming dialect used to interface with the HTML page through an API called the DOM (Document Object Model) Bindings. As such, the DOM Bindings are the paste between the programming dialect and the HTML page that was at first stacked into the program.

Your first HTML Page
Let's start by creating a simple HTML page. An HTML page has the following basic layout:


Basic Elements of HTML

The basic elements of an HTML page are:

<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> tags.
used to denoted A text header
<p> tag.
used to denoted A paragraph
<hr> tag
used to denoted A horizontal ruler
<a> (anchor) tag
used to denoted A link
<ul> (unordered list), <ol> (ordered list) and <li> (list element) tags.
used to denoted A list
<img> tag
used to denoted An image
<div> tag
used to denoted A divider
<span> tag
used to denoted A text span

The next few pages will give an overview of these basic HTML elements.

Each element can also have attributes - each element has a different set of attributes relevant to the element. There are a few global elements, the most common of them are:

id - Denotes the unique ID of an element in a page. Used for locating elements by using links, JavaScript, and more.
class - Denotes the CSS class of an element. Explained in the CSS Basics tutorial.
style - Denotes the CSS styles to apply to an element. Explained in the CSS Basics tutorial.
data-x attributes - A general prefix for attributes that store raw information for programmatic purposes. Explained in detailed in the Data Attributes section.

Content headers and passages(Paragraph)   

There are six unique sorts of content header you can look over, h1 being the highest heading with the biggest content, and h6 being the most inward heading with the littlest content. When all is said in done, you ought to have just a single h1 tag with a page, since it ought to be the essential portrayal of the HTML page.

As we've found in the last illustration, a passage is a piece of content isolated from whatever remains of the content around it.

Let's see an example of the <h1>, <h2> and <p> tags in action:


Tag: hello world,print hello,html,web gesign

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