Tuesday, January 30, 2018

IF statement some equation-Microsoft Excel-Part-15

IF statement some equation

    if(condition,true,false) [normal if statement]

           EX:-  In excel sheet, C4 has a value 5, Now we check that if the value is greater than 5 it                       show  "value is greater than 5", else "value is lower than 5".
          =if(C4>5,"value is greater than 5","value is lower than 5"), that is the actual form of if                  condition we apply on this work.

          have a look at the image given below:

     In this first image, we see that condition is true and it shows "value is greater than 5"

     In this second image, we see that condition is false and it shows "value is lower than 5"

   Nested If Condition

        previous if statement, we can use only one condition.If we have multiple conditions to check              what we have to do and how can we have done it by using if statement.

         for multiple conditions, we use nested if.
        syntax of nested if condition:   
        Now we check it by an example, in this example, we check if someone result is "A" it 
        shows "Very Good", if "B" it shows "Good", if  "C" it shows "Bad", Else 0. 

        The Actual Form of the if condition we use in this ,
          =if(C4="A","Very Good",if(C4="B","Good",if(C4="C","Bad",0)))

         have a look at the image given below:

   Note: We have to close every Brackets at end of if condition.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

What is a Number System? part-1

What is a Number System?

You most likely definitely know what a number system is - ever know about Binary numbers or hexadecimal numbers? Basically, a number framework is an approach to speak to numbers. We are used to using the base-10 number system, which is also called decimal. Other common number systems include base-16 (hexadecimal), base-8 (octal), and base-2 (binary).

The value of every digit in a number can be determined −

  • The digit
  • The position of the digit in the number
  • The base of the number framework (where the base is characterized as the aggregate number of digits accessible in the number framework)

Decimal Number System

The number system that we use in our everyday life is the decimal number system. Decimal number system has base 10 as it utilizes 10 digits from 0 to 9. In decimal number system, the progressive positions to one side of the decimal point speak to units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on.
Each position speaks to a particular power of the base (10). For instance, the decimal number 9999 comprises of the digit 4 in the units position, 3 in the tens position, 2 in the hundreds position, and 1 in the thousands position. Its value can be composed as :

= (9 x 1000)+ (29x 100)+ (9 x 10)+ (9 x l)
= (9 x 103)+ (9 x 102)+ (9 x 101)+ (9 x l00)
= 9000 + 900 + 90 + 9
= 9999

Tag: Number System, What is a Number System?, Binary Number System, Decimal Number System, Hexadecimal Number System, Octal Number System.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Macros in Excel-Microsoft Excel- Part-14

Macros in Excel

By utilizing Macro we can record a task. It is exceptionally helpful when you have an assignment that you have to perform over and again. It accelerates the methodology and guarantees precision.

The most effective method to open a large scale:

Open View tab. On the correct end of the Ribbon, you will locate the Macro Button.

Tap on the arrow appeared at the base of Macro Button. It will show three choices; see macros, record full scale and utilize relative references. See the picture:

Macros in Microsoft Excel

View Macro: Clicking on view macro option opens the macro dialog box where you can run, alter or erase a Macro.

Record Macro: Click on this choice to record Macro. On clicking, it shows the Record Macro dialog box where you can fill the points of interest of your Macro.

Utilize Relative Reference: This choice helps record full scale in relative mode. Utilizing relative mode you can run the recorded information anyplace on the worksheet.

Ventures to record a full scale:

Tap on the Record Macro choice. It will show the Macro discourse box. Fill the subtle elements of full scale at that point click alright. See the picture given below:

Macros in Microsoft Excel

Now write the task that you need to record. At the point when the writing is done, click on the Macro button it will show three choices, out of these alternatives select stop recording. See the picture given below:

Macros in Microsoft Excel

Now Macro is made and is prepared to use, to run the Macro click on the Macro button. You can likewise click on View Macro alternative; it will show the dialog box with various choices like Run, Edit and Delete. click on the Run choice, it will show the recorded assignment. See the picture given below:

Macros in Microsoft Excel

Tags: Macros in Microsoft Excel,Macro,Microsot Excel.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

If Functions(Advanced) in Excel Excel-Part-13

If Functions(Advanced) in Excel Excel

=IF (AND(B3>50,C3>50),B3+C3,B3*C3)
The IF statement says if the value of the two cells B3 and C3 are more prominent than 50 at that point include these cells else duplicate these cells. See the picture given below:

If Functions(Advanced) in Excel Excel

=IF(B4>AVERAGE(C4:C9),"cell B4>average","")

The IF statement says if the value in cell B4 is more than the normal of the cells from C4 to C9 at that point show "cell B4>average" else leave the cell clear.

If Functions(Advanced) in Excel Excel

Tags: If Functions(Advanced) in Excel Excel,Microsoft Excel,Excel,Spreadsheet,If statement,advance if function,advance if statement. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

If Function with Calculations-Microsoft Excell- Part-12

Exceed expectations If Function with Calculations

"if function" can be utilized as a part of complex computations. See the illustration:

On the off chance that a business official offers more than 5 things, the organization will pay motivator 40 tk for everything sold and if the business official offers under 5 things, the organization will pay 20 tk for everything sold.

Perceive how the "IF function" is utilized with the estimation:

Exceed expectations If Function with Calculations

Select the cell in which you need to make the "IF work"

Sort the code in the cell: =if(

Sort the condition with comma: C4>5,

Sort what you need to appear if condition is satisfied: 40*C4

Sort a comma: ,

Sort what you need to appear if the condition isn't satisfied: 20*C4

At that point close the section and press the Enter key.

The IF capacity will resemble this: =if(C4>5,40*C4,20*C4)

So the IF work says if esteem in cell C4 is more noteworthy than 5 then increase it with 40. On the off chance that it is under 5 then increase it with 20.

The IF capacity can be adjusted to perform distinctive computations:

Assume in the above illustration the organization needs to pay rupees 50 alongside impetus to those representatives who have finished probation time of 5 months or their activity term is over 5 months.

For this situation, we can embed one more section in the worksheet for work months and alter the IF work in like manner to get the outcomes.

The altered IF work is: =if(C4>5,50+E4,E4)

It says if the incentive in cell C4 is more prominent than 5 at that point add 50 to E4 which is impetus of Peter. What's more, in the event that it is under 5 at that point keep the motivating force, the estimation of cell E4 same. See the picture demonstrated as follows:

Tag: Exceed expectations If Function with Calculations,Microsoft Excel

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

If Function Excel-Microsoft Excel-11

If Function Excel

The IF function or IF statement in Excel is made out of three sections isolated by commas.

A condition

What to show if the condition is satisfied

What to show if the condition isn't satisfied

Perceive how the "IF work" is made well ordered to locate the protected and perilous voyaging speeds in the accompanying case.

if function

Select the cell in which you need to make the "IF function"

Sort the code in the cell: =if(

Sort the condition with comma: B4>70,

Sort what you need to appear if condition is satisfied. On the off chance that you need to show message at that point compose it inside quotes: "Risky"

Sort a comma: ,

Sort what you need to appear if the condition isn't satisfied inside quotes: "Safe"

At that point close the section and press the Enter key.

The IF work made above will resemble this: =if(B4>70,"Risky","Safe")

So the IF work says if the speed or incentive in the cell B4 is more than 70 at that point show Unsafe and on the off chance that it is under 70 at that point show Safe.

In the wake of squeezing the Enter key you will get the outcome for cell B4. Drag the fill handle descending till cell C9 to get status for different rates of section B.

Tag: If Function Excel,Microsoft Excel

Monday, January 22, 2018

How to download youtube playlist

How to download youtube playlist 

First, go to youtube and click on a video playlist, and have a look at address or URL you will see like
the image is given below:

How to download youtube playlist

Now copy the link, and go google to search "youtube playlist downloader"

By software :

How to download youtube playlist

click on the first link, It's a software you can download it from there and get the instruction how it works.

 By online:

click  on the second link, you will see something like that : 

How to download youtube playlist

Top of the page you see some option, 
1 is youtube link, this option for a single video
2 is playlist, this option for playlist downloading 
3 is channel, this option for downloading all video of a channel

from this menu you can select as your need, after that you have to paste the link in the  link box 
mark in image: 

How to download youtube playlist

then click on download button, and wait till 100%. we will see download button beside every video
How to download youtube playlist

How to download youtube playlist

click on download link to download.

Tag: How to download youtube playlist , download all video off a channel 

C programming-Printf() & scanf()-part-2

Usage of Printf() & scanf()

printf() --- we use printf() for output some thing in c , printf() is a bulit-in function of C, which is define in <stdio.h> header file.
example: write something in printf(),like
printf("Hello freeboighor");
format of printf() function
printf("expected string",argument_list);
we can showing integer, string, float, character etc by printf(), We will do later.
output: Hello freeboighor
scanf() ---- we use scanf() to get value in c , scanf() is also a bulit-in function of C, which is define in <stdio.h> header file.example will show in later.
printf() output those values which you get by scanf() after doing some processing.
Example of printf() & scanf()
int main(){
int number;
printf("Enter a number:");
printf("The number is : %d ",number)
printf("result is : %d ",number*number);
return 0;
Output :
Enter a number: 3
The number is : 3
result is : 9
We can also doing Addition ,Subtraction,Division. And have different type of way to do this
we do it later

Tag: Printf() & scanf(),Printf() & scanf() in c programming

How to download Video from youtube

How to download Video from youtube

First, go to youtube and click on a video, and have a look at address or URL you will see like
the image is given below:

then change the link, simply replace www. by ss like :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmUKsZG-76A   replace www. by ss 
take a look at the image given below:

then click on go or press enter

new window come on front of you like this image :

there has various format of this video 
now you can download which format you needed by click on it

Tag:  How to download Video from youtube

Sunday, January 21, 2018

C Programming Language Tutorial-part-1

C Programming Language Tutorial

The C Language is produced for making framework applications that directly communicates to the equipment gadgets, for example, drivers, kernels and so on.

C writing computer programs is considered as the base for other programming dialects, that is the reason it is known as mother dialect.

It can be characterized by following ways:

  1. Mother language
  2. System programming language
  3. Procedure-oriented programming language
  4. Structured programming language
  5. Mid-level programming language

for compiling C programming code we need "Codeblock" software.

In the first place C Program 

Before beginning the abcd of C programming, you have to figure out how to compose, gather and run the principal c program. 

To compose the primary c program, open the C console and compose the accompanying code:

                         #include <stdio.h>
                                    int main()
                                              printf("Hello freeboighor.blogspot.com");
                                              return 0;
                          Output:    Hello freeboighor.blogspot.com
#include <stdio.h>--- have the library of standard input output function . The printf() work is characterized in stdio.h .
int main() --- The main() work is the section purpose of each program in c dialect.
printf() --- The printf() work is utilized to print information on the support.
return 0 --- The return 0 explanation, returns execution status to the OS. The 0 esteem is utilized for fruitful execution and 1 for unsuccessful execution.
 Build and run the c program
for build go to Build menu and click on Build (also can do it by shortcut key Ctrl + F9)
for build go to Build menu and click on Run (also can do it by shortcut key Ctrl + F10)
also can do it together by simply click on Build&Run option or press F9.

Tag: C Programming Language Tutorial, first program,download code block,first program in c, compile and run the c program, Build and run the c program, Build and run the c program in code block.

HTML Unorder List -part-4

HTML Unorder List 

An example is given below :


To change the list style qualities, we can utilize the CSS property called "list-style-type".
available types are:

  1. disc
  2. circle
  3. square
  4. none
another example of square type


try other style types yourself just change "list-style" value (example: list-style: circle) and I hope you can understand the difference.

Tag: HTML list,html unorder list

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Microsoft Excel - Fill Handle in Excel-Part-10

Fill Handle in Excel

The fill handle is a helpful Excel instrument that is utilized to fill information with a particular example. You can expand a progression of numbers, dates and content blends to wanted number of cells.

To utilize fill handle bring the mouse cursor at right base corner of the cell it will change into a + sign. Presently left click on it and drag it descending to the coveted scope of cells.
Fill Handle in Excel

On the off chance that you select one cell the incentive in the cell will be replicated to different cells and in the event that you pick various cells with particular example like distinction between cells then a similar example will be duplicated to different cells. See the picture demonstrated as follows.
Fill Handle in Excel

Fill Handle with Text

Handling with text like as number, In number section, we follow a pattern and here we also follow a 
pattern just different is here we deal with text

Fill Handle in Excel with text

Fill Handle in Excel with text

with Text and Numbers

Fill Handle in Excel with text and number
Fill Handle in Excel with text and number

with Dates

Fill Handle in Excel with date
Fill Handle in Excel with date

Tag: Fill Handle in Excel,Fill Handle with Text,with Text and Numbers,fill handle with Dates,Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel -Minus & Average in Excel-Part-9

Minus & Average in Excel



Tag: Microsoft Excel -Minus & Average in Excel,Minus & Average in Excel,Minus In Excel,Average in excel,subtraction in excel

Microsoft Excel-Sum in excel-part-8

Sum in Excel

Pick the cell where you need the outcome to show up as cell C6 in this case. At that point write = sign in the cell, now select first cell C3 at that point compose "+" sign at that point select second cell C4, again type + and select third cell C5. Presently press the enter key, you will get the sum of these three numbers.
Sum in Excel

red arrow is represent the result of sum

Sigma Button to do summation  in Excel

Select the cell to show the outcome at that point in Home tab click on the Sigma button, on the correct end of the ribbon. You will see the picture given beneath:

igma Button to do summation  in Excel
Presently select the list of information you need to sum. You will see the picture demonstrated as follows, and afterward, press the Enter key to get the outcome.
igma Button to do summation  in Excel

Tag: Sum in Excel, summation in Excel, Sigma Button to do summation in Excel, Addition in excel, Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel-Spelling check And Symbol & Special Character Inserting-Part-7

Spelling check And Symbol & Special Character Inserting

Spell Check

Select the information and click on the review tab, it will show spelling order in the left corner of the strip. Left click on it. On the off chance that there is any spelling botch in the information, the spell check will propose revisions in the spelling discourse box. See the picture:

symbols and special characters insert in Excel

Select the cell where you require the symbol. At that point tap on the Insert tab and select Symbol command, on the correct end of the strip. It will show various images, pick the coveted image and tap on Insert choice at that point close the case. Image will be added to the coveted cell. Uncommon characters can be included a comparable way, you have to do --- Insert > Symbol > Special Characters. See the picture:

Tag: Spelling check And Symbol & Special Character Inserting, symbols and special characters insert in Excel, Spell Check, Microsoft Excel

Friday, January 19, 2018

MIcrosoft Excel-Copy Paste & Cut Data-Part-6

Copy Paste & Cut Data in Microsoft Excel

Copy & Paste Data

Copy & Paste Data in excel

Select the information, right tap on it at that point select Copy choice. Presently select the cell where you need to paste the information at that point right tap on it and select Paste choice. In the wake of choosing the information, you can likewise press Control+C to duplicate and Control+V to glue the information. To undo the progressions, you can press Control+Z.

Cut(Move) data in

Moving data in excel

Select the information you need to Cut, right tap on it at that point select the cut option at that point select the cell where you need to Cut the information. Right-tap on the chose cell and select glue choice. Information will be moved to the coveted area.

Tag: Microsoft Excel-Copy Paste & Move Data, Copy Paste & Move Data in Microsoft Excel, Copy Data in Excel, paste data in excel, move data in excel, cut data in excel

Microsoft Excel-Delete data, Rows and Columns in Excel-part-5

Delete data, Rows and Columns in Excel

Delete Data

Select the information you need to erase, right click on it at that point select erase alternative from the menu. You can likewise erase it by squeezing Delete key on the console. See the picture:
Delete Data in excel

Delete a Row

Select the row by a left tap on the row number at that point right click and select the Delete alternative. In the event that you need to erase more columns drag the mouse descending to choose more lines. See the picture:
Delete Row in excel

Delete a Column

Select the column by a left tap on the column number at that point right click and select the Delete alternative. In the event that you need to erase more columns drag the mouse horizontally to choose more lines. See the picture:
Delete column in excel

Tag: Delete data in excel, Rows in excel and Columns in Excel, Microsoft Excel-Delete data, Rows and Columns in Excel-part-5

Enter And Select Data in Excel-Microsoft Excel -Part-4

Enter And Select Data in Excel

The most effective method to enter information in Excel

Select a cell with a single click where you need to enter information; cell B3 is chosen in the picture given underneath. At that point double tap in the cell to enter information. You can enter content, numbers and recipes in the cell.

In the wake of entering information, you can squeeze Tab key to move to next section and can press Enter key to move to next line. You can squeeze bolt keys for more alternatives to move to different cells.

enter data in excel

Instructions to select information in Excel

There are different alternatives to choose information. The most widely recognized way is a left click on the cell at that point dragging the mouse over the information you need to choose. Begin from the upper-left cell of the information, as cell B3 in the picture given beneath:

Select data in excel

Tag : Enter And Select Data in Excel,Microsoft Excel.

Introduction to Excel worksheet windows-Microsoft Excel- Part-3

Introduction to Excel worksheet windows


Worksheet is additionally called spreadsheet. It is comprised of row, columns and cells.


ROWS run on a level plane over the worksheet and extends from 1 to 1048576. A column is recognized by the number that is on left half of the line, from where the line starts.


Columns run vertically descending over the worksheet and extends from A to XFD - 1 to 16384. A section is distinguished by a segment header that is on the highest point of the segment, from where the segment starts.


Cells are little boxes in the worksheet where we enter information. A cell is the convergence of a line and segment. It is recognized by push number and section header, for example, A1, A2.

Moving over the worksheet in Excel  

There are numerous alternatives to move over the worksheet utilizing mouse and console.

You can look over the worksheet up or down moving mouse wheel or utilizing vertical parchment bar. Likewise, you can utilize flat parchment bar to move the worksheet evenly towards left or right side.

Tag: Microsoft Excel, Cells, Columns, Rows, Worksheet, Introduction to Excel worksheet windows,
Moving over the worksheet in Excel.  

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