Thursday, March 8, 2018

Text Formatting in HTML

 Text Formatting in HTML

Today we learn some tag those are use to formatting text.Formatting elements were designed to display special types of text:

    1.<b> - Bold text

        example:                                                                  output:
text bold in htmltext bold in html


    2.<strong> - Important text

       example:                                                                output:
<strong> - Important text<strong> - Important text


<b> & <strong> are like same.

    3.<i> - Italic text

     example:                                                                  output:
Italic textItalic text


    4.<em> - Emphasized text

em> - Emphasized text

    5.<mark> - Marked text

Marked text/highlight text
    6.<small> - Small text

small tag
    7.<del> - Deleted text

<del> or deleted text present in html

    8.<ins> - Inserted text

<ins> or inserted text in html

    9.<sub> - Subscript text

<sub> tag or present subscript text in html

    10.<sup> - Superscript text

<sub> tag or present superscript text in html

Tag:   Text Formatting in HTML

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